• Pet Safety Tips for Halloween

    While Halloween is a fun and exciting holiday, there are certain dangers that parents need to be aware of. ER doctors like Dr. Josyann Abisaab can attest to the fact that Halloween safety tips should not be ignored. Not only you and your children are exposed to these risks; pets and animals are as well. Chocolate contains caffeine and other chemicals that can be fatal for dogs. Be sure to clear the area around your house from any candy remnants, and if you are a dog owner yourself, make sure your children don’t leave their candy within easy reach of your dog. Candy wrappers and foil paper can cause your…

  • Diabetes and Heat-Related Illnesses: Dr. Josyann Abisaab

    Diabetes raises a person’s chances of having heat-related illnesses.  And yet, a new study shows that diabetics are not aware of the precautions they need to take to deal with these challenges. The survey, entitled,  “Diabetes in the Desert: What Do Patients Know About the Heat?” will be presented at The Endocrine Society’s 92nd Annual Meeting in San Diego. Conducted by researchers from Mayo Clinic in Arizona, in collaboration with the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration and the National Weather Service, the survey looked at patients in a Phoenix diabetes clinic. Leading researcher Adrienne Nassar, MD, said that the study shows that diabetics living in hot climates need increased awareness…

  • ER News

    This article talks about what is happening in the world of ER in America, from the point of view of how fast patients are being cared for.